Last week I was hanging out with Nick Montfort in Montreal. He’s been working on a series of 1k story generators written in Python. I’ve never paid any attention to Python before, because it doesn’t output to the web. To download and run Nick’s 1k story generators in a terminal window, visit:

This week I’m hanging out with Ingrid Bachmann’s hermit crab Pookie. Pookie is a biological, digital, quasi-fictional manifestation of Ingrid Bachmann’s imagination. Pookie already has a website: And I’ve already written about past collaborations between Bachmann and Pookie: Digital Crustaceans v.0.2: Homesteading on the Web. But I’ve never spent any time alone with a hermit crab before. I started chronicling my adventures with Pookie as sentences written on a blackboard, and then started feeding those sentences into one of Nick’s story generators written Python. The generator uses a sequence of (specially written) sentences; all but 5-9 sentences are removed and the remaining text is presented as the story.
To read Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR, download this file to your desktop and unzip: On a Mac or Linux system, you can run the story generator by opening a terminal Window, typing “cd Desktop”, and typing “python”. The generator runs on Windows, too, but you will probably need to install Python first: version 2.6. Once Python is installed you can double click on the file and it will automatically launch and run in the terminal window. Every time you press Return a new version of the story will appear. Here are a few examples:
Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR:
Previously, Pookie and JR had only ever met at parties.
Pookie hides in his cup when JR is in her cups.
JR is patient; Pookie has to crawl before he can walk.
Pookie is actually pretty social, for a hermit crab.
Every three days or so, JR waters the ferns.
Live and let live, Pookie’s nonchalant attitude seems to suggest.
When Pookie digs in the night, he makes quite a racket.
Late one night, Pookie and JR listen to a chained dog’s howls.
JR hasn’t been sleeping much lately.
To be continued…
Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR:
JR has a friend over for drinks and forgets to introduce Pookie.
Pookie only plays in his water dish when he has an audience.
JR changes Pookie’s water. Pookie makes a mess of his feeding dish.
Pookie has turned JR off of shellfish for life.
The cafe across the street is only noisy until eleven or so.
Do you hear that? JR asks Pookie.
JR hasn’t been sleeping much lately.
JR is in hiding.
To be continued…
Excerpts from the Chronicles of Pookie & JR:
Pookie slowly comes out of his shell, so to speak.
Pookie has many shells to choose from.
JR changes Pookie’s water. Pookie makes a mess of his feeding dish.
JR crumbles Pookie’s hermit crab food pellets into bite-sized bits.
When Pookie digs in the night, he makes quite a racket.
Pookie keeps his thoughts to himself.
To be continued…
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