on arrival

When we travel by plane to a distant place, we travel through time as well as through space.

We sleep, or do not, over the Atlantic. We fly through the restless twisted night, hip to thigh with strangers. We breakfast over the Alps. Diamond lakes glint like lost earrings in long foothills of glacier combed hair.

We land – disgruntled, dishevelled and delayed. We have only just ceased leaving. Arrival takes much longer still.

Our baggage thunks onto the carousel. It inches toward us. It catches up with us.

Outside, there are armed guards and palm trees and no one told us how hot it would be.

We are new, we are strange, we are temporary. We should have known. We have not traveled to a foreign place. We are foreign.

Nothing is as we think it will be.
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A Zoo at the Blue Metropolis Bleu

Human cannonballs host book launches.
Traipse Artists sign autographs upside-down.

Do not feed the animals at the Flea Circus.
Do not poke fun at the comic book clowns.

You must be this tall to ride the elevator.
You must clap for the Dancing Russian Bear.

After a feeding frenzy of: So, who are you?
There is no fish left for the trained seals.
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My short story “Precipice”, 2003 winner of the Quebec Short Story Competition, has been published in Short Stuff, the second anthology of winning stories of the CBC/QWF Short Story Competition.

The launch will be held tomorrow, Saturday, April 2, at 5:30 pm., in the Jeanne-Mance room of Hyatt Regency Hotel (1255 Jeanne-Mance, in the Complexe Desjardins).

This event is free and open to the public. Copies of the book will be on sale onsite at the Blue Met bookstore.

Metropolis Literary Festival-

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