Lapsus Linguae in a+b=ba?

a+b=ba? [art+blog=blogart?] a showcase of blog art curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, launched this week on JavaMuseum, a Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art based in Cologne, Germany as part of NewMediaFest 2007 a festival of The Network [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne.

a+b=ba? includes this blog, Lapsus Linguae:

Lapsus Linguae is a Latin phrase, meaning a ‘slip of the tongue’. I have a lot of those. Some of my favourite works starts with that spark that happens when saying the wrong thing comes out just the right way. Lapsus Linguae began as writing exercise of sorts, an attempt to note these slips of the tongue. Then, as I began thinking of the bolg as place to publish, I would force myself to act on these seemingly small ideas while they were still fresh in my mind. Generally I work very slowly. Lapsus Linguae has helped me generate a massive amount of new writing on a wide variety of topics, and to get it into a state finished enough to post in a short amount of time. I have become more alert to the stories lurking in the every day. I used to use Lapsus Linguae to post information about my publications and events, but increasingly I find other people so much more interesting to write about. On occasion I also post responses to things happening in the news. The blog is turning me into a social archivist. See, it looks like I mean to say social activist, but really I mean social archivist. A slip of the tongue indeed.

Also launching during NewMediaFest 2007, JIP – Javamuseum Interview Project, now featuring more than 85 interviews (including one with me) and AND – Artists Network Database. AND was initially set up for internal use as a central place for organizing the data related to the artists who are participating in The Network, like JavaMuseum, VideoChannel, SoundLAB, Cinematheque and many others. AND is now open with free access to all users, allowing direct access to and information about these artists, their works and the connected project environments.

NewMediaFest 2007:
AND – Artists Network Database:
JIP – Javamuseum Interview Project:
The Network [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
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