DISTROBOTO machines are former cigarette machines which no longer sell cigarettes, but instead, little books, crafts, comics, cassettes, mini-CD-R's (of music or video), fridge magnets, novelties, etc. all for only $2 each!
Look for my mini-books at a DISTROBOTO machine near you:
Pharmacie Esperanza, 12 St. Viateur O. (coin St. Laurent)
Casa del Popolo, 4873 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
Le Petit Campus, 57 Prince Arthur E. (métro Sherbrooke)
Le Divan Orange, 4234 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
La Salla Rossa, 4848 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
Locations are subject to change, but at the moment, "How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome" is at the Casa, "Evening" is at the Salla Rossa and "Searching for Volcanoes" will be stocked at Esperanza soon.

DISTROBOTO locations will increase, as cigarette machines become available after the ban on smoking in bars comes into effect May 31, 2006. For more information about the DISTROBOTO project, including details on how to participate, please contact:
Archive Montreal,
C.P. 1232, Place d'Armes,
Montréal, Québec,
Or visit: http://www.distroboto.archivemontreal.org/
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Look for my mini-books at a DISTROBOTO machine near you:
Pharmacie Esperanza, 12 St. Viateur O. (coin St. Laurent)
Casa del Popolo, 4873 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
Le Petit Campus, 57 Prince Arthur E. (métro Sherbrooke)
Le Divan Orange, 4234 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
La Salla Rossa, 4848 St. Laurent (métro Mont-Royal)
Locations are subject to change, but at the moment, "How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome" is at the Casa, "Evening" is at the Salla Rossa and "Searching for Volcanoes" will be stocked at Esperanza soon.

DISTROBOTO locations will increase, as cigarette machines become available after the ban on smoking in bars comes into effect May 31, 2006. For more information about the DISTROBOTO project, including details on how to participate, please contact:
Archive Montreal,
C.P. 1232, Place d'Armes,
Montréal, Québec,
Or visit: http://www.distroboto.archivemontreal.org/
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Labels: mini-books, Montreal
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